Music Friends Course

Start your musical journey with your favorite instrument!

Have you ever been told that music nourishes the heart? Or heard that making music enhances intelligence? It has been scientifically proven that practicing music has a positive influence on the brains and hearts of children.

However, some children are busy with school and other activities, so they struggle to manage sufficient time for practice. Moreover, many children and parents worry that musical skills cannot be developed unless the learner starts very young.

To ease those apprehensions, Yamaha has started the Music Friends Course, a new program for elementary school children.

The Music Friends Course is unique in that it has a combination of both group and individual learning concepts weaved into the lessons. The methodology and concepts allow children to progress and learn at their own pace, with stress-free lessons. Moreover, children get the full enjoyment and fun of making music together with friends while mastering basic musical skills. The lineup of course subjects designed for this new course embraces the unique education methods, accompanied with well-known pieces rearranged for fun learning. In addition, continually updated supporting materials help further enhance the music learning experience.


Learning at your own pace
Learning at your own pace
The teacher gives solid support to every student, whether they want to advance steadily by playing a variety of pieces, or whether they are busy and want to advance at a more leisurely pace.
Interesting pieces to engage the children
Interesting pieces to engage the children
Textbooks contain a variety of well known pieces. With the unique accompaniments from Yamaha, students feel like they are playing with an orchestra or band, and their motivation is increased.
Establishing stronger foundational skills in a group
Establishing stronger foundational skills in a group
Through simple finger exercises, ensemble and solo playing/singing, children master their concentration skills, rhythm sense and correct pitch. They become more confident towards performing.
Supporting IT Tools
Supporting IT Tools
In the classroom or at home, the students can learn through model performance videos and practice with rhythmic accompaniment. This tool serves as a great support for individual practice and learning.

Piano/Keyboard Course

Course Contents

  1. Repertoire
  2. Finger Exercise
  1. Ensemble
  2. Solfege Singing


Concept of this course
To nurture the sense of joy in playing musical instruments.
To develop fundamental skills for playing musical instruments.
To master overall performance skills, in order to give children the confidence and willingness to tackle various music examinations.

Target Students
6-12 years old (flexible enrollment period) – Also available for adults

Course Setting
Grouped-Individual lessons

Lesson Duration
60 minutes

Course Materials
1. Repertoire Book 1
2. Drill Book 1 & 2

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Guitar Course

Course Contents

  1. Melody & Chord Exercise
  2. Repertoire
  3. Ensemble
  1. Rock 'n' Roll Exercise
  2. Solfege Singing
  3. Music Signs
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Concept of this course
To nurture the sense of joy in playing musical instruments.
To develop fundamental skills for playing musical instruments.
To master overall performance skills, in order to give children the confidence and willingness to tackle various music examinations.

Target Students
6-12 years old (flexible enrollment period)

Course Setting
Grouped-Individual lessons

Lesson Duration
60 minutes

Course Materials
Repertoire & Drill book